24/04/2018 The Chiral Anomaly and Ballistic Transport of Weyl Fermions
David Carpentier (ENS, Lyon)
24 avril 2018, 14h00
The chiral anomaly is a unique property...
20 octobre 2015, 13h00
On a proposal from the LPT, Professor Anthony J. Leggett, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2003 and the 2002/2003 Wolf Foundation Prize in Physics, was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Université de Toulouse, on October 19, 2015.
Most of the work of Professor Leggett has been devoted to superconductivity, superfluidity (helium 3 and 4 and degenerate atomic gases) and conceptual issues concerning the foundations of quantum mechanics. Some of these topics were presented during several planned conferences and courses given during his stay at the LPT in 2012 et 2015.