24/04/2018 The Chiral Anomaly and Ballistic Transport of Weyl Fermions
David Carpentier (ENS, Lyon)
24 avril 2018, 14h00
The chiral anomaly is a unique property...
17 novembre 2015, 00h41
Éric Suraud, a professor at the Université Paul Sabatier and the LPT since 1992, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society, for major contributions to cluster physics, including development of a microscopic description of the nonlinear response of irradiated clusters and molecules leading to a wide range of applications, and for developing ties with emerging nations in Eastern Europe and Asia (Nominated by the Forum on International Physics).
Éric Suraud is also a member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF Senior member since 2010 and IUF Junior member since 1994), member of the Academia Europaea (2014), and adjunct professor at the State University of New York (SUNY), since 2013.