24/04/2018 The Chiral Anomaly and Ballistic Transport of Weyl Fermions
David Carpentier (ENS, Lyon)
24 avril 2018, 14h00
The chiral anomaly is a unique property...
This workshop intends to gather theoretical physicists specialized in statistical physics and soft matter, and working on different subjects related to molecular and cell biology, but using very similar paradigms and tools. They belong to coarse-grained models, effective mesoscopic models, and/or analytical approaches.
Organizers : N. Destainville (LPT), M. Manghi (LPT), J. Palmeri (CNRS & Université de Montpellier, France), R. Netz (Free University of Berlin, Germany) and A. Würger (Université de Bordeaux, France).
More information can be found here.